Monday, May 2, 2011

I'm Sorry Heart=(


Heart, I know I’ve been hard on you
I’m sorry for the things I’ve put you through
Before you start to break on me or ask for sympathy
I need to make you see

Oh, heart, I’m not sure it’s been long enough
To say that what I feel is really love
There’s just one way to learn, sometimes we’ll get hurt
And right now it’s our turn

Give it time, help me through
Heart, we can do this together
You’re my strength, you’re my soul
I need you now more than ever

Heart, all the hurt will soon be gone
If you’ll, if you’ll just keep on being strong
You will always be my friend, so keep on hangin' in
And we’ll find love again

Give it time, help me through
Heart, we can do this together
You’re my strength, you’re my soul
I need you now more than ever

Heart, I know I’ve been hard on you
I’m sorry for the things I put you through
Please don’t you break on me, I need to make you see
It wasn’t meant to be

‘Cause you will always be my friend, so keep on hangin' in
And we’ll find love again

Thursday, March 24, 2011

I'm a Princess~~~

Originally named Sarai, The Lord renamed her Sarah, meaning princess, after she had married Abraham. Sarah became the mother of Isaac and through Isaac the grandmother of Jacob, who God renamed Israel. Sarah is therefore one of the ancestors of all of the Israelites, and of Jesus Christ. In God's Own Words:

"And God said unto Abraham, As for Sarai thy wife, thou shalt not call her name Sarai, but Sarah shall her name be. And I will bless her, and give thee a son also of her: yea, I will bless her, and she shall be a mother of nations; kings of people shall be of her." (Genesis 17:15-16)

"I will bless her, and she shall be a mother of nations; kings of people shall be of her"

Sarah was about ten years younger than her half-brother Abraham (they had the same father, but different mothers, see Genesis 20:12). They were married before they left Ur, located in what is today southern Iraq (i.e. both Abraham and Sarah were Iraqi, an incredible irony considering the state of Middle East tensions today) for a journey, under The Lord's guidance, to a new land that would become the focus of God's plan of salvation for all of humanity (Genesis 11:29-31).

When Abraham and Sarah remained childless into their old age, Sarah took it upon herself to have children through a surrogate, her Egyptian handmaid Hagar. Sarah made the arrangement despite the Lord's earlier promise to Abraham that he would have children through Sarah (see Genesis 17:15-16, quoted above). The result of Sarah's initiative with Hagar was that Hagar also had a son of Abraham, Ishmael, who became the progenitor of many of the Arab people of today. The family conflict between Sarah and Hagar, and their sons Isaac and Ishmael, never ended; the struggle between them continues to this very day.

Sarah lived to the age of 127 years (the only female in written Bible History in which her age at death is recorded) and died at Hebron, southwest of Jerusalem.

Other spellings include: Sara and Sera from what I've seen, but we all know the correct way of spelling it *wink* *wink* Thanks......Sarah~~*
*~~Sarah in Hawaiian is pronounced "Kala" also meaning princess~~*

Monday, March 21, 2011

Documenting...not publishing=p

Forgive me ***..can't help it.Want to post this...Author's name = undisclosed!!

This poem is based on the meanings from Hikayat Merong Mahawangsa's OST..been given some 'personal touches'..Nonetheless..its sweet~~Love 'Sedetik Lebih' and love this POEM..

Thank you ***....=)

As I'm sitting at the edge of a creek,
Waiting for you to come,
The Shadows of the past dance through my mind,
The silhouette of a woman so caring and kind,

One, who held my hand,
On my own two feet she made me stand.
Fought my fears alongside her own
And nay, they were all wrong, they must condone,

Our Love is pure, not blind
That to me you have shown,
I can see clearly now, in my reflection.
Two souls entwined with a great deal of affection
And I say this not like words on a paper sheet
My love, if you must know
With every single breath I breathe
With every single skipped heartbeat.
There's one thought that always lingers in my mind
Is it fate or luck, that someone like you I was to find?
A companion, a lover of a different kind.
As if amongst coal, a diamond was mined.

My love, your heart is mine
But this selfish love needs the rest of you
Cuz every time I'm lost in thought.
Without a doubt I'm thinking of you.

I Dream the same dream every night,
Eternal love and not a single fight.
Amidst the rain and thunder I would hold you tight.
not let you feel even a glimpse of fright.
And in the Silence before the storm
I would grasp you in my arms and keep you warm
Gaze at your glistening eyes
In where there is no place for lies.

Your smile and the gentle touch of your fingertips,
That amazing feeling, every time we kiss,
Brings me back to life every night.
I need you my love, only then I feel alive

You give me a reason to live,
And I'll never let you love me less.
cuz you give me a new meaning to life
When I'm surrounded with war, death and sickness.

If Forever is over it won't stop me from loving you,
Time can wait cuz there's one last thing I need to tell you

It doesn't matter if I lose everything in this world
And turn to boot's dust in people's eyes
It doesn't matter if I live the life of a king or pauper
Or have all the riches in the world by saying lies.

I know money can never make me happy
You're the only one who can
No amount of Gratitude will make up for your company
I'll stick with you no matter what, you'll see!

It doesn't matter if the world thinks we’re not meant to be
But I can say this with certainty
Nothing really matters
Nothing does,
Nothing as long as I still have you
Nothing as long as I still Love you,
You’re the only one I need, of that I'm sure.
And I can say this a hundred times or more
And I’ll still want an encore, my love
I love you and I know as we grow
I'll only grow to love you more

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

I need a DOCTOR

This morning as I was waiting in the ERL station heading to work,I plugged in my earphones to my phone and listened to the songs that Muiz just transferred to the memory card last night.A song I need a doctor by Eminem really caught my attention.At first I thought it was a tragic love song..some sort of misery tried to be expressed between the lyrics.But hey,to my surprise it wasn't.It's a song that Eminem wrote for his mentor Dr DRE..For his mentor?Mentor = teacher = guru..This time i supposed that Dr Dre was having a bad time,Eminem tried to build up his mentor's spirit once again with this poetry of his.You might want to search for the song on youtube.Love the music and melody in this song.The moral from this is eventhough someone seems superior than you,he is still human...he needs support..he will have his share of misfortunes sometimes..We need each other to push and pull each other through good and bad times.Love you all=)

I'm about to lose my mind
You've been gone for so long
I'm running out of time
I need a doctor
Call me a doctor
I need a doctor, doctor
To bring me back to life

I told the world, one day I would pay it back.
Say it on tape and lay it, record it, so that one day I could play it back.
But I don't even know if I believe it when I'm saying that.
Doubt startin' to creep in, everyday it's just so grey and black.
Hope, I just need a ray of that
'Cause no one sees my vision
When I play it for 'em, they just say it's whack.
But they don't know what dope is.
And I don't know if I was awake or asleep when I wrote this.
All I know is you came to me when I was at my lowest.
You picked me up, breathed new life in me. I owe my life to you.
But for the life of me, I don't see why you don't see like I do.
But it just dawned on me; you lost a son. Demon's fightin' you, it's dark.
Let me turn on the lights and brighten me and enlighten you.
I don't think you realize what you mean to me, not the slightest clue.
'Cause me and you, were like a crew. I was like your sidekick.
You gon' either wanna fight when I get off this f-cking mic,
Or you gon' hug me. But I'm out of options, there's nothing else I can do cause...

I'm about to lose my mind
You've been gone for so long
I'm running out of time
I need a doctor
Call me a doctor
I need a doctor, doctor
To bring me back to life

It hurts when I see you struggle.
You come to me with ideas.
You say they're just pieces, so I'm puzzled.
'Cause the sh-t I hear is crazy,
But you're either getting lazy, or you don't believe in you no more.
Seems like your own opinions, not one you can form.
Can't make a decision, you keep questioning yourself,
Second guessing, and it's almost like your begging for my help.
Like, I'm YOUR leader.
You're supposed to f-cking be MY mentor.
I can endure no more!
I demand you remember who you are!
It was YOU, who believed in me,
When everyone was telling you, don't sign me.
Everyone at the f-cking label, lets tell the truth.

[ From: ]

You risked your career for me, I know it as well as you.
Nobody wanted to f-ck with the white boy...
Dre, I'm crying in this booth.
You saved my life, now maybe it's my time to save yours.
But I can never repay you, what you did for me is way more.
But I ain't giving up faith, and you ain't giving up on me.
Get up Dre! I'm dying, I need you, come back for f-ck's sake

I'm about to lose my mind
You've been gone for so long
I'm running out of time
I need a doctor
Call me a doctor
I need a doctor, doctor
To bring me back to life
Bring me back to life

[Dr Dre]
It literally feels like a lifetime ago
But I still remember the sh-t like it was just yesterday though
You walked in, yellow jump suit
Whole room, cracked jokes
Once you got inside the booth, told you, like smoke
Went through friends, some of them I put on
But they just left, they said was riding to the death
But where the f-ck are they now
Now that I need them, I don't see none of them
All I see is Slim
F-ck all you fairweather friends
All I need is him
F-cking backstabbers
When the chips were down, you just laughed at us
Now you bout to feel the f-cking wrath of aftermath, faggots
You gon' see us in our lab jackets and ask where the f-ck we been?
You can kiss my indecisive ass crack maggots and the crackers ass
Little cracker jack beat making wack math,
Backwards producers, I'm back bastards
One more CD and then I'm packing up my bags and as I leave
And I guarantee they'll scream, Dre don't leave us like that man cause...

Im about to lose my mind
You've been gone for so long
I'm running out of time
I need a doctor
Call me a doctor
I need a doctor, doctor
To bring me back to life
Bring me back to life
Bring me back to life

Monday, March 14, 2011

Add Sunshine to your life..

The clock shows 5.16 pm.Short of 42 minutes to 6pm.When the clock strucks 6,we pack our bags and leave for home.Not today Anna!!! You came late,so you're going home late today.Of course not too late to catch the forex news tonight=)

The grey sky outside shows signs of heavy rain to come. I love the rain,but I hate getting wet. Rain doesnt really work for me. Everytime this kind of weather visits my day,they leave without failing to suck out the energy in me.I'm as gloomy as the weather.

Here I sit in my chair wrapped with a kashmirian pashmina,eating a KitKat bar.I'm thinking of what I'm going to write now. Since extracting data from AirAsia Go's database seems very uninviting and I already got pissed off with the company's PC in front of me,on which I am typing this entry with,I decided to write anything that comes to my mind.

What is in my mind now?Hurm..I was wondering and have been wondering what's it like to be REALLY working.Truthfully and honestly,now,I'm so bummed with working.Hate it.So boring.If my internship is already giving me a lot of reasons to avoid the working world,i reckon the real situation could be worse than this.

Ok..Imagine this.Waking up every morning,driving along the same highway,making the same turns at junctions,listening to the same breakfast show on the radio,parking in the same parking lot,sitting on the same chair,in front of the same computer,and meeting the same people everyday.God!!! What a routine!! ..and Anna never likes routine.

But then,if i keep hating things and not start loving, I'll never gain anything.Ok Anna,you need to stop complaining. These 'routines' have made me learn so many new things.Sometimes,its not what is being given to you everyday,it is more of what you get.A simple example on how we can educate ourselves everyday would be to intentionally seek the good out of things.Seek for knowledge.For example,you go to a class.The lecturer speeks of one subtopic today.Every student gets the same information from the lecturer..but what makes a student better than the others? by how they absorb the knowledge,digest it,analyze it and most important of all apply it.Life itself is a learning field.An educational institution itself.We can alleviate our lives,improve it just by trying to look at things the different way.

Trust me,views do make difference in driving lives. If we have a good mind set,we can achieve more and higher than we ever expected in our lives. Try wearing on a positive mind.You will see the difference.Motivation works best if it comes from our inner-self itself=)

Monday, February 28, 2011


Dear Anna,
I know what's going on in your life.Moving on is really trying,staying in the same spot is tormenting.At this point you're very scared of getting hurt once again. You know how hard it is to be mending yourself when you yourself is already bleading.

Dear Anna,
would you give yourself another chance? Big Baby did tell you about Thomas Edison.The non-giving up human. Success blooms out of failures no matter how small the success bud would'll still make through if enough sun and water given.

Dear Anna,
would you be brave like you used to be?I know your secrets Anna.Anna,what doesn't kills you makes you stronger..Anna,listen to your heart..Don't rush things.Let everything fall into place..

Dear Anna,
PRAY...and PRAY...Anna,when the time comes..bring your joy and love back home.We'll see whether it can be the love and joy of the family too..Anna,why are you so gloomy?Why do you post this kind of writing?

be happy again..please do..

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


I'm Missing THE HAPPY ANNA..

I used to write a lot in my teenage days.Now that I'm an adult,writing doesn't excite me that much anymore.Lacking of inspiration may be part of the reason that my feelings don't interpret into words anymore.

I used to write of nature...of behaviours..or anything I capture and see.Anything that the eyes of Anna would see...

..and today Anna is writing because she sees how much she has become to be a boring person..Anna was so much full of words and expression..why did Anna change?? Maybe Anna has forgotten the values she carried once inside..a some sort of ego in her is missing.. for it again.Search within yourself.Its not about writing.Its more to know how you feel inside and care of what you think..

Anna..your words matters.If not to others but to yourself.Words can help you go by any obstacles in life..words help you realize your to yourself Anna..I'm missing you..

Anna the strong heart...=)

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

National Novice 2011(UiTM Shah Alam)

The National Novice comes again and this time I'm adjudicating again.I 'm quite the thought of debates keeps the adrenaline in my blood running and my brain thinking.

Well,I'm scheduled to pick up my juniors tomorrow,after Friday prayers.This time..Anis is not around.Boringlah pulak..kalau tak mesti ade kawan nak borak-borak and merepek2..

Called Fawwaz the other day..he sounded happy that i'm tagging along...or pura2 aje huh??hehe..

I missed the team..talked for nearly an hour last two nights with them..

Fazlie says...''susahla orang banyak komitmen ni"..heee...dear,you're right..

here goes..
Tonight : go shop for contact lenses for my sister

Friday :
AirAsia LCCT in the morning,Nilai in the afternoon..Shah Alam later in the afternoon...debates in the evening...Night Chats later in the night with DAYAH..OMG!!!! She was on top of her lungs when she said " you must not dissapoint me!!! you have to come!you have to come!"..awwhh well...ok=)

debates all day the evening,dinner with the girls..this time I'll have to do a detour..pick up DAYAH and LYNNE...and find a cool place to hang out...huhuh!!! Gosh..can you guys imagine how bad I am as a friend???..they're my bestfriends..and not once in this 7 years I came to see them..haha...xpelah kan...better late than never being able to.Mana tau kan..mati awal pula..

kenduri at Fazlie's house..just hope the debate won't drag me into adjudicating the quarters and semis..I promised him a purple baju kurung=)

p/s : Sara is just trying to keep her 'head' busy..there's so much more to a cheerful girl inside her heart than out...paham kot?

What's New in 2011

What's new in 2011??? for me...

  1. Adopted a new hobby...Fishing!!!

It's kinda fun.Last Saturday I went angling some 'udang galah'. Not as easy as I thought.Luckily Pakngah was there to teach me the techniques.

I'm a was quite ok for me to be able to get like 13 udang galah's in 2 hours. The fishing pond is just behind my garandma's house,and located under a small mount. The mount was formerly the place where the locals built a Sam Poh Tong(betul ker eja mcm ni).There still exist traces of the stairs to the temple.If you come here,I'll surely bring you up the mount.

According to my cousin,there is a small cave up there where small streams run free...and bats roam..yukz!! But truly,this place brings tranquility to anyone who spends a few moment here..enjoying the nature while helping my uncle expand his business..

You can even smell the fresh air mixed with the fragrance of mountain flowers...listen to birds chirping..A quick therapy for me..=)..=)

Sunday, January 23, 2011

History : Me and You

[23/1/2011 2:40:12 PM] Sarah Liyana Osman: Hi BumbleBee! I’d like to add you on Skype. Sarah Liyana Osman
[23/1/2011 2:45:52 PM] *** Call to ., duration 00:24. ***
BumbleBee has shared contact details with Sarah Liyana Osman.
[23/1/2011 2:46:45 PM] *** Call to BumbleBee, duration 06:07. ***
[23/1/2011 2:52:57 PM] *** Call to BumbleBee ***
[23/1/2011 2:56:09 PM] Sarah Liyana Osman: you are the one who keeps disappearing
[23/1/2011 2:56:26 PM] BumbleBee: mana ada
[23/1/2011 2:56:47 PM] BumbleBee: i cant hear u!
[23/1/2011 2:57:26 PM] Sarah Liyana Osman: i tried to find you
[23/1/2011 3:17:23 PM] *** Call ended, duration 24:27 ***
[23/1/2011 3:21:30 PM] BumbleBee: kejap eh i'm skyping with my mum
[23/1/2011 3:21:41 PM] Sarah Liyana Osman: owh okayh
[23/1/2011 3:21:50 PM] Sarah Liyana Osman: kirim salam kat auntie
[23/1/2011 3:22:00 PM] Sarah Liyana Osman: her name is i right?
[23/1/2011 3:22:10 PM] Sarah Liyana Osman: ke slh
[23/1/2011 3:22:21 PM] BumbleBee: yes
[23/1/2011 3:22:22 PM] BumbleBee: hebat!
[23/1/2011 3:24:03 PM] Sarah Liyana Osman: just call anytime u want..cuz i'm always online
[23/1/2011 3:25:25 PM] BumbleBee: ;)
[23/1/2011 4:49:37 PM] BumbleBee: ok dahhh
[23/1/2011 4:50:06 PM] BumbleBee: what are u up to?
[23/1/2011 5:15:00 PM] Sarah Liyana Osman: u there?
[23/1/2011 5:16:12 PM] *** Call to BumbleBee, no answer. ***
[23/1/2011 5:16:15 PM] Sarah Liyana Osman: sorry
[23/1/2011 5:16:19 PM] Sarah Liyana Osman: went out just now
[23/1/2011 5:16:25 PM] Sarah Liyana Osman: baru nak lunch
[23/1/2011 5:16:32 PM] Sarah Liyana Osman: had a late breakfast today
[8:30:29 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: morning..
[8:30:55 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: i'm late for work
[8:31:40 AM] BumbleBee: morning!
[8:32:01 AM] BumbleBee: u should get going then!
[8:32:02 AM] BumbleBee: haha
[8:34:11 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: haha
[8:34:19 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: tgh pakai make up
[8:34:23 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: what are u doing now?
[8:35:29 AM] BumbleBee: having lunchh
[8:35:31 AM] BumbleBee: ;)
[8:35:40 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: in front of your notebook?
[8:37:02 AM] BumbleBee: yeahh
[8:42:30 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: mind if i call u kejap?
[8:43:21 AM] BumbleBee: sure but tgh makan lah ni
[8:43:22 AM] BumbleBee: haha
[8:44:04 AM] *** Call to BumbleBee, duration 00:23. ***
[8:45:39 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: sorry
[8:45:47 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: terputus td
[8:45:50 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: are u there?
[8:45:50 AM] *** Call to BumbleBee ***
[8:50:36 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: oklah
[8:50:45 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: its good to see u again
[8:51:01 AM] BumbleBee: yeahhh
[8:51:15 AM] BumbleBee: sila pergi kerja yeh
[8:51:18 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: hey..we're skyping!!!!
[8:51:20 AM] BumbleBee: nnt kena fire plak
[8:51:20 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: hahaha
[8:51:23 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: ok2
[8:51:29 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: i 'm going now
[8:51:34 AM] BumbleBee: ;)
[8:51:35 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: bye2
[8:51:36 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: tc
[8:51:39 AM] aidilradzi: drive safe
[8:51:42 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: i will
[8:51:45 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: u too..go mandi
[8:51:51 AM] BumbleBee: hahahaha kantoi
[8:52:00 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: i noticed the same shirt
[8:52:10 AM] BumbleBee: ok hahahahaha
[8:52:25 AM] *** Call ended, duration 06:35 ***
[10:15:24 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: pegi mandi
[10:58:38 AM] BumbleBee: ok dah ;)
[10:58:48 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: dh?
[10:58:53 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: shhhh
[10:58:57 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: diam2
[10:59:27 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: are u on hols ke ape?
[10:59:40 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: did u have classes earlier today?
[10:59:40 AM] BumbleBee: :x
[10:59:47 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: hehe
[10:59:51 AM] BumbleBee: oh its sunday here
[11:00:02 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: wanna c the dept??
[11:00:08 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: hurm..
[11:00:12 AM] BumbleBee: haha takpelah
[11:00:12 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: sunday??
[11:00:13 AM] BumbleBee: gi buat kerja
[11:00:19 AM] BumbleBee: heheh
[11:00:22 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: how come forex market jalan?
[11:00:28 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: i lupe lah die close hari ape
[11:00:38 AM] BumbleBee: i dont knoww
[11:00:40 AM] BumbleBee: i dont study those stuff
[11:00:41 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: haha
[11:00:44 AM] BumbleBee: haha
[11:00:46 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: gosh
[11:00:53 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: its not something i study
[11:00:59 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: i invest
[11:01:08 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: i mean i trade
[11:01:28 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: but i suck at it
[11:01:37 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: still learning
[11:02:15 AM] BumbleBee: haha its something i never care about
[11:02:19 AM] BumbleBee: so how?
[11:02:20 AM] BumbleBee: hahaha
[11:02:35 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: worries..
[11:02:39 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: its not ure thing
[11:02:50 AM] BumbleBee: haha tula
[11:02:53 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: yup
[11:02:57 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: what's your thing??
[11:03:04 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: crude oil?
[11:03:10 AM] BumbleBee: i need to start caring bout other stuff
[11:03:15 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: yes you do
[11:03:37 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: need to know about insurance...investment instruments
[11:03:40 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: hehehehe
[11:03:46 AM] BumbleBee: hahaha
[11:03:54 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: risk management
[11:04:49 AM] BumbleBee: sure thing
[11:04:53 AM] BumbleBee: haha
[11:06:32 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: hey..what's your thing?
[11:06:38 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: what do you learn?
[11:06:43 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: career prospects??
[11:07:55 AM] BumbleBee: haha i dont know what i learn
[11:08:18 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: u don't know what you learn??
[11:08:26 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: tipulah
[11:08:29 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: mesti u tau
[11:08:30 AM] BumbleBee: and i'm not looking forward to work
[11:08:39 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: owh..really??
[11:08:43 AM] BumbleBee: betuul
[11:08:43 AM] BumbleBee: haha
[11:08:50 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: then what are you looking forward to?
[11:08:59 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: studying and doing researches?
[11:09:12 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: are u intending to be a researcher?
[11:09:23 AM] BumbleBee: not that either
[11:09:25 AM] BumbleBee: haha
[11:09:33 AM] BumbleBee: i pun taktau apa i nak buat
[11:09:35 AM] BumbleBee: haha
[11:10:00 AM] BumbleBee: ala lambat lagi i nak habis study
[11:10:11 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: okayyy....
[11:10:12 AM] BumbleBee: later i'll decide lahh
[11:10:14 AM] BumbleBee: haha
[11:10:21 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: hoho..mcm tu eh?
[11:10:27 AM]BumbleBee: gila pemalas kan
[11:10:36 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: nope...gile xd wawasan
[11:10:37 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: hahahha
[11:10:39 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: n pasrah aje
[11:10:44 AM] BumbleBee: oh tu lagi tepat tu
[11:10:48 AM] BumbleBee: haha
[11:10:51 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: hehhee
[11:10:53 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: apelah u
[11:10:59 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: i dh sneyum sorang2 kat desk ni
[11:11:04 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: hurm...
[11:11:16 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: didn't u go out today?
[11:11:24 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: i mean..its sunday kan?
[11:11:37 AM] BumbleBee: sunday = chillax day
[11:11:57 AM] BumbleBee: ;)
[11:12:15 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: yeah..chillax as in sleeping all day long??
[11:12:43 AM] BumbleBee: ehh i woke up at 11 ok
[11:12:47 AM] BumbleBee: thats not too bad
[11:13:35 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: not tooo bad??
[11:13:36 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: but bad?
[11:13:42 AM] BumbleBee: and then i went to grocery store
[11:13:51 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: okayh
[11:14:06 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: hurm...i bet u miss malaysian food
[11:14:21 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: even ade kat sane pon tak same kan
[11:14:22 AM] BumbleBee: of course ;)
[11:14:29 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: n your mum's kurma ayam
[11:14:35 AM] BumbleBee: definitely
[11:14:35 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: hahaha
[11:14:50 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: i remembered how u adored her kurma ayam
[11:14:51 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: u said she makes the best
[11:15:18 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: n usaid to me...''u tak rase lagi....." with the smile yang konon nak buat i jeles
[11:15:24 AM] BumbleBee: hahahah
[11:15:30 AM] BumbleBee: sedaap ok
[11:15:53 AM] BumbleBee: everytime balik cuti mesti i lupa nak belajar
[11:15:54 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: i know
[11:15:56 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: heheh
[11:17:37 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: xpe2
[11:17:42 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: next time i'll remind you
[11:17:50 AM] BumbleBee: ;)
[11:19:33 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: hey..u ingat tak pau ayam n susu pisang?
[11:25:21 AM] BumbleBee: haaa?
[11:25:27 AM] BumbleBee: susu pisang?
[11:25:52 AM] BumbleBee: apa tu ehhh
[11:26:26 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: hurm
[11:26:29 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: kdg2
[11:26:35 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: i'll buy you pau ayam n susu pisang from koop
[11:26:50 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: i'll ask someone to give to you
[11:26:56 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: ape ntah nama budak tuh
[11:27:03 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: slalu jd messenger
[11:27:15 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: slalu after prep malam
[11:27:29 AM] BumbleBee: ehhh serious tak ingat :(
[11:27:32 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: hahahah
[11:27:35 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: guys~~~
[11:27:39 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: mmg tak ingt
[11:27:43 AM] BumbleBee: ishh!
[11:27:49 AM] BumbleBee: dont compare me with other guys ok
[11:27:59 AM] BumbleBee: i ada je ingat benda lain
[11:28:00 AM] BumbleBee: cess
[11:28:06 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: owh ok...but how come most of the thing i ingat u tak ingat
[11:28:10 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: what??
[11:28:23 AM] BumbleBee: i ingat yg phone call tu
[11:28:25 AM] BumbleBee: haha
[11:28:26 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: hahahaah
[11:28:29 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: funniest!!!!! ever
[11:28:37 AM] BumbleBee: haaaa
[11:28:41 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: lagi?
[11:28:47 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: u ingat tak mase hari guru
[11:28:47 AM] BumbleBee: and i sent u to klia naik erl!
[11:28:49 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: u jadi ape ntah
[11:28:55 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: yup
[11:28:59 AM] BumbleBeei: haaaa
[11:29:07 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: n kat klia u sesat nak turun balik ke erl
[11:29:15 AM] BumbleBee: hahahaha
[11:29:18 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: cuz u were too sad..u told me that
[11:29:33 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: cuz u said tak tau bile lagi bley jumpe i
[11:29:41 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: n u were right
[11:29:45 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: that was the last time
[11:30:11 AM] BumbleBee: that was the last one?
[11:30:23 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: u amek train dri shah alam...n berhenti kat melati
[11:30:34 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: yup..mane kite ade jmpe lagi lepas tu
[11:30:47 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: zaman2 kite mane ade skype ni lagi...belom popular
[11:30:54 AM] BumbleBee: haha
[11:31:05 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: that's why i said.. after 5 years
[11:31:16 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: yeke 5 years?
[11:31:24 AM] BumbleBee: lebih kot?
[11:31:29 AM] BumbleBee: oh tak
[11:31:30 AM]BumbleBee: betul lah
[11:31:51 AM] BumbleBee: OHHHh!!
[11:31:55 AM] BumbleBee: ONE MORE THING I REMEMBER!
[11:32:01 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: ape die??
[11:32:04 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: haha
[11:32:14 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: hahahaahah
[11:32:15 AM] BumbleBee: thats what u said!
[11:32:16 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: betol2
[11:32:24 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: i felt sloppy sgt at that time
[11:32:27 AM] BumbleBee: hahahhahahaha
[11:32:31 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: terok betol
[11:32:36 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: it was at mcd
[11:32:41 AM] BumbleBee: and i remember that sampai sekarang ok
[11:32:45 AM] BumbleBee: haha
[11:32:48 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: i remembered it too
[11:33:20 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: everytime i pegi kl sentral i'll see the table which we sat
[11:34:00 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: n i ingat we were avoiding sorang budak integomb nih
[11:34:19 AM] BumbleBee: haha
[11:34:59 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: then u called me using public phone
[11:35:06 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: cuz i was wearing your bag
[11:35:14 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: nasib baik u ingt my phone number
[11:35:16 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: ingt tak?
[11:35:26 AM] BumbleBee: ooo tu tak ingat
[11:35:26 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: pasal phone2 nih kite dua mmg terer
[11:35:28 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: hahaha
[11:35:35 AM] BumbleBee: haha
[11:36:03 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: ok..lets see ape lagi yang u ingt
[11:36:12 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: lpas kite avid budak tuh...
[11:36:17 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: *avoid
[11:36:30 AM] BumbleBee: alaa kira banyak la tu i ingat
[11:36:31 AM] BumbleBee: haha
[11:36:42 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: tak pon
[11:36:42 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: ade lagi
[11:36:54 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: kat kedai choc blakang tuh
[11:37:08 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: kat kaunter tiket tuh
[11:37:19 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: kat dlm erl
[11:37:45 AM] BumbleBee: oo my gosh
[11:38:01 AM] BumbleBee: u memang ingat details huh
[11:38:07 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: yup
[11:38:20 AM] BumbleBee: after 5 years
[11:38:23 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: i remembered how you looked when u sent me..
[11:38:25 AM] BumbleBee: cemana u boleh ingat ehh
[11:38:32 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: first time u waved
[11:38:34 AM] BumbleBee: i'm so impressed
[11:38:39 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: the second time kat klia
[11:38:48 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: u said jgn masuk dulu
[11:38:57 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: n u wanted to follow to penang
[11:39:12 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: i smiled
[11:39:35 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: the look of you..i mean sad..makes me happy..cuz at that time i know u like me
[11:39:36 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: hahahaha
[11:39:41 AM] BumbleBee: awwhh
[11:39:42 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: teenage love story
[11:39:45 AM] BumbleBee: i was so sweet ehh
[11:39:47 AM] BumbleBee: haha
[11:39:49 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: we were 16
[11:39:52 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: you were
[11:39:54 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: very2
[11:39:59 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: hehe
[11:40:20 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: n i regret one thing i didn't do when i was with you
[11:40:43 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: do you remember what was it?
[11:40:52 AM] BumbleBee: alamak tak jugak
[11:40:54 AM] BumbleBee: heheh
[11:40:59 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: hahhaa
[11:40:59 AM] BumbleBee: apa eh?
[11:41:01 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: xpelah
[11:41:03 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: segan nak bgtau
[11:41:08 AM] BumbleBee: alaaaa
[11:41:09 AM] BumbleBee: what was itt
[11:41:20 AM] BumbleBee: toksah segan2
[11:41:22 AM] BumbleBee: heheh
[11:41:33 AM] *** Call to BumbleBee ***
[11:41:48 AM] BumbleBee: orang belakang nampak i lah
[11:41:50 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: i've mute the mic
[11:41:53 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: xpe
[11:41:57 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: they're my friends
[11:41:59 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: intern jugak
[11:42:04 AM] BumbleBee: i see
[11:42:08 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: kat cnie tak strict very flexible
[11:42:11 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: i segan
[11:42:14 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: cannot tell
[11:42:17 AM] BumbleBee: haha
[11:42:23 AM] BumbleBee: dah segan lagi nak call
[11:42:28 AM] BumbleBee: lagi la segan nak bagitau
[11:42:28 AM] BumbleBee: haha
[11:42:36 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: hahaha
[11:42:40 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: xpe
[11:42:48 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: at least i tau ure face cmane
[11:42:57 AM] BumbleBee: ok tell me tell me
[11:43:00 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: they are celebrating someones birthday here
[11:43:09 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: not important
[11:43:11 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: xpelah2
[11:43:17 AM] BumbleBee: hek elehhhh
[11:43:47 AM] BumbleBee: ala orang belakng
[11:43:51 AM] BumbleBee: segan laa
[11:43:52 AM] BumbleBee: haha
[11:43:54 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: xpe
[11:43:59 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: they don't know you
[11:44:01 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: hurm
[11:44:08 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: ingt tak ure mon hantarkan pizza
[11:44:19 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: cuz i requested
[11:44:21 AM] BumbleBee: tak
[11:44:22 AM] BumbleBee: haha
[11:44:23 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: mom
[11:44:43 AM] BumbleBee: tak ingat laa
[11:44:46 AM] BumbleBee: then then
[11:44:58 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: i wanna pay you back u taknak
[11:45:07 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: i still have the watch you gave me
[11:45:19 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: ingt?
[11:45:24 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: its in my locker
[11:46:01 AM] BumbleBee: my goshhhhhhh
[11:46:15 AM] BumbleBee: i remember i gave u a watch
[11:46:17 AM] BumbleBee: tapi tak ingat dah cemana
[11:46:18 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: ape my goshhh??
[11:46:23 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: a pink one
[11:46:31 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: very2 cute..i'll show u later
[11:46:33 AM] BumbleBee: i beli kat mana eh
[11:46:41 AM] BumbleBee: haha
[11:46:45 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: u called me and i asked me white or pink
[11:46:47 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: i said pink
[11:46:59 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: u bought it with ure sis
[11:47:17 AM] BumbleBee: banyak nya duit i dulu
[11:47:18 AM] BumbleBee: haha
[11:47:25 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: ntah u
[11:47:29 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: bnyk pulak eh?
[11:47:31 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: hahaha
[11:47:36 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: i jeh miskin zaman tuh
[11:47:38 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: kate tsudent
[11:47:49 AM] BumbleBee: i skrg ni yg miskin
[11:48:02 AM] BumbleBee: tak mandi slalu pun takleh
[11:48:04 AM] BumbleBeei: kena jimat air
[11:48:05 AM] BumbleBee: hahaha
[11:48:19 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: mengade
[11:48:27 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: bukannye kene mandi slalu pon
[11:48:33 AM] BumbleBee: hahh
[11:48:35 AM] BumbleBee: haha
[11:49:10 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: hehe
[11:49:16 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: i tgh buat programming ni
[11:49:18 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: aduh
[11:49:22 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: pening nye i
[11:49:25 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: tolong bley??
[11:49:28 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: buatkan?
[11:49:29 AM] BumbleBee: hahahahahha
[11:49:41 AM] BumbleBee: i'm suck at programming
[11:49:46 AM] BumbleBee: wahh
[11:49:48 AM] BumbleBee: ok benci gila i dgn benda ni
[11:50:07 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: i pon xtau
[11:50:08 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: terpakse
[11:50:19 AM] BumbleBee: c++ eh?
[11:51:10 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: nope
[11:51:12 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: vba
[11:51:19 AM] BumbleBee: ok lagi la i taktau
[11:51:28 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: i plak tak tau c++
[11:51:36 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: vba lagi sennag dri c++ kot
[11:51:41 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: cuz compatible dgn all
[11:51:51 AM] BumbleBee: i see
[11:51:55 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: java hampehi got a d for java programming dulu
[11:52:01 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: mennnnciiikkkkk!!!!
[11:52:04 AM] BumbleBee: what is that program for?
[11:52:10 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: yang i buat tuh?
[11:52:15 AM] BumbleBee: yup
[11:52:46 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: option pricing model
[11:52:51 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: black scholes merton
[11:52:58 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: mcm nak kire harga derivatives
[11:53:02 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: futures
[11:53:04 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: swaps
[11:53:06 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: calls
[11:53:07 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: puts
[11:53:22 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: i tak pndai la
[11:53:29 AM] BumbleBee: ok i paham word "harga" je
[11:53:33 AM] BumbleBee: haha
[11:54:03 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: hehehe
[11:54:05 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: okayh
[11:54:09 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: fair enough then
[11:54:19 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: cuz if u speak chemical eng. pon i tak tau ape2
[11:54:52 AM] BumbleBee: haha tapi i pun taktau nak cakap chemical eng
[11:54:58 AM] BumbleBee: so how?
[11:54:58 AM] BumbleBee: haha
[11:55:02 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: u kene tau
[11:55:28 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: ape kate u speak " my hair style yang dh pendek sket dri dulu"
[11:55:52 AM] BumbleBee: haha
[11:56:34 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: i like ure room
[11:56:40 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: its bright
[11:56:47 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: i ske putih
[11:56:50 AM] BumbleBee: oh yess
[11:56:53 AM] BumbleBee: i suka cerah
[11:57:13 AM] BumbleBee: kalo gloomy tak best
[11:57:41 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: me too
[11:57:46 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: i like wide windows
[11:57:52 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: i like sumlight entering my room
[11:58:28 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: *sunlight
[11:58:33 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: u bley dgr i ckp ke?
[11:58:40 AM] BumbleBee: bolehh :)
[11:58:46 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: oopsss
[11:58:56 AM] BumbleBee: u didnt mute your mic
[11:58:57 AM] BumbleBee: haha
[11:59:31 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: i mute my speaker ajesorry
[11:59:35 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: *sorry
[11:59:39 AM] BumbleBee: i see h
[11:59:40 AM] BumbleBee: haha
[11:59:45 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: ok
[11:59:47 AM] Sarah Liyana Osman: dh mute
[11:59:50 AM] BumbleBee: hahaha
[11:59:54 AM] BumbleBee: eh takpelah
[12:00:00 PM] BumbleBee: i have to go ni sebenarnya
[12:00:04 PM] BumbleBee: nak pegi rumah my friend jap
[12:00:19 PM] BumbleBee: need to pass something to her
[12:00:48 PM] BumbleBee: and u boleh focus kerja
[12:00:49 PM] BumbleBee: haha
[12:01:16 PM] Sarah Liyana Osman: OK
[12:01:24 PM] Sarah Liyana Osman: baik
[12:01:29 PM] BumbleBee: talk to u later ;)
[12:01:31 PM] Sarah Liyana Osman: ok
[12:01:34 PM] Sarah Liyana Osman: will do
[12:01:39 PM] Sarah Liyana Osman: i ade lagi nak tell u
[12:01:42 PM] Sarah Liyana Osman: later lah
[12:01:43 PM] BumbleBee: hahah sure
[12:01:46 PM] Sarah Liyana Osman: ok2
[12:01:47 PM] Sarah Liyana Osman: tc
[12:01:48 PM] BumbleBee: excited ni nak dengar
[12:01:51 PM] Sarah Liyana Osman: hahaah
[12:01:51 PM] BumbleBee: haha u too
[12:01:55 PM] BumbleBee: bye
[12:01:58 PM] Sarah Liyana Osman: u mmg slalu excited aje
[12:02:04 PM] BumbleBee: hahaha
[12:02:08 PM] Sarah Liyana Osman: n always insist...ceritelah...ceritalah
[12:02:15 PM] BumbleBee: well
[12:02:21 PM] BumbleBee: tula lain kali jgn cerita separuh2
[12:02:27 PM] Sarah Liyana Osman: ok2
[12:02:30 PM] BumbleBee: haha
[12:02:34 PM] Sarah Liyana Osman: bye2 bumblebee
[12:02:37 PM] BumbleBee: hahahah
[12:02:43 PM] BumbleBee: bye!
[12:02:52 PM] *** Call ended, duration 21:19 ***

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

I Miss Them...

Guys...oren kimslm...

6.00 p.m. 18/1/2011

Qis via sms : Cik Sara,mlm ni jumpe k?maybe kat acacia ke,topek,fit,n mudah mybe join skali

Gosh!!! Damn!! I forgot that i was supposed to meet them.Nasib baik tak ambik simpang ke Putrajaya lagi..Had no plans of overnight-ing in if I like nilai..yeah right.I'd rather drive everyday back and forth to LCCT from Putrajaya than staying in Nilai...hurm..awwhhh well..a promise is a promise..

Me : Qis,aku xd bwk baju...pnjam baju bley nak g keje esok??=)..heeee..

Met them at me,it wasn't like any of our usual meetings.I was surprised by the so many updates I have to listen kan kawan yang suke menghilangkan diri..apologies=(..but hey,tak cntc pon sara slalu ingat tau..cume ade la orng tuh yang terase hati..kannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn??...=)

1. ade new Love-birds around...hehee...Happy for you guys..hope lagi..
2. ade bunga disunting mak kumbang...wowooooo!!! Tahniah2..n selamat meninggalkan geng bujang..
3.Ade new crush..hehehe...takpela awk..kte syg awk,tpi klw awk happy,kte pon happy..
4.Semuanye ade peningkatan dlm jisim dan berat badan..bahagia punye pasal ke???me?xd kaitan..I'll blame the volatile hormonal change in me...=)

P/S ; Mud and Qis '' sara...nanti cari jauh2..rupa2nye depan mata jeh"...I can't say I like the quote..hurm...tpi one thing for sure..we'll never know the future..

Tributes to Mud,Bal,Fit and Fiq : 2010 has been very trying for me..and until now..sara baru jeh dpt bernafas balik..thank you so much for always being there and true to me..hearts not taken over direct and frank advises..mmmuaaahhhxx!! *hugs and kisses~~
Nak cerite lagi ke??...nanti lah..nanti bosan pulak...