Wednesday, January 19, 2011

I Miss Them...

Guys...oren kimslm...

6.00 p.m. 18/1/2011

Qis via sms : Cik Sara,mlm ni jumpe k?maybe kat acacia ke,topek,fit,n mudah mybe join skali

Gosh!!! Damn!! I forgot that i was supposed to meet them.Nasib baik tak ambik simpang ke Putrajaya lagi..Had no plans of overnight-ing in if I like nilai..yeah right.I'd rather drive everyday back and forth to LCCT from Putrajaya than staying in Nilai...hurm..awwhhh well..a promise is a promise..

Me : Qis,aku xd bwk baju...pnjam baju bley nak g keje esok??=)..heeee..

Met them at me,it wasn't like any of our usual meetings.I was surprised by the so many updates I have to listen kan kawan yang suke menghilangkan diri..apologies=(..but hey,tak cntc pon sara slalu ingat tau..cume ade la orng tuh yang terase hati..kannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn??...=)

1. ade new Love-birds around...hehee...Happy for you guys..hope lagi..
2. ade bunga disunting mak kumbang...wowooooo!!! Tahniah2..n selamat meninggalkan geng bujang..
3.Ade new crush..hehehe...takpela awk..kte syg awk,tpi klw awk happy,kte pon happy..
4.Semuanye ade peningkatan dlm jisim dan berat badan..bahagia punye pasal ke???me?xd kaitan..I'll blame the volatile hormonal change in me...=)

P/S ; Mud and Qis '' sara...nanti cari jauh2..rupa2nye depan mata jeh"...I can't say I like the quote..hurm...tpi one thing for sure..we'll never know the future..

Tributes to Mud,Bal,Fit and Fiq : 2010 has been very trying for me..and until now..sara baru jeh dpt bernafas balik..thank you so much for always being there and true to me..hearts not taken over direct and frank advises..mmmuaaahhhxx!! *hugs and kisses~~
Nak cerite lagi ke??...nanti lah..nanti bosan pulak...

1 comment:

  1. hu....memori lama ni..rasanya aku rindu pula zaman-zaman dulu, walau apa juga masalah tp mungkin masih tidak terikat dengan komitmen sbg org dewasa kan..

    I love u guys, Sarah, Mudah, Fithri, Topek...
