Monday, March 14, 2011

Add Sunshine to your life..

The clock shows 5.16 pm.Short of 42 minutes to 6pm.When the clock strucks 6,we pack our bags and leave for home.Not today Anna!!! You came late,so you're going home late today.Of course not too late to catch the forex news tonight=)

The grey sky outside shows signs of heavy rain to come. I love the rain,but I hate getting wet. Rain doesnt really work for me. Everytime this kind of weather visits my day,they leave without failing to suck out the energy in me.I'm as gloomy as the weather.

Here I sit in my chair wrapped with a kashmirian pashmina,eating a KitKat bar.I'm thinking of what I'm going to write now. Since extracting data from AirAsia Go's database seems very uninviting and I already got pissed off with the company's PC in front of me,on which I am typing this entry with,I decided to write anything that comes to my mind.

What is in my mind now?Hurm..I was wondering and have been wondering what's it like to be REALLY working.Truthfully and honestly,now,I'm so bummed with working.Hate it.So boring.If my internship is already giving me a lot of reasons to avoid the working world,i reckon the real situation could be worse than this.

Ok..Imagine this.Waking up every morning,driving along the same highway,making the same turns at junctions,listening to the same breakfast show on the radio,parking in the same parking lot,sitting on the same chair,in front of the same computer,and meeting the same people everyday.God!!! What a routine!! ..and Anna never likes routine.

But then,if i keep hating things and not start loving, I'll never gain anything.Ok Anna,you need to stop complaining. These 'routines' have made me learn so many new things.Sometimes,its not what is being given to you everyday,it is more of what you get.A simple example on how we can educate ourselves everyday would be to intentionally seek the good out of things.Seek for knowledge.For example,you go to a class.The lecturer speeks of one subtopic today.Every student gets the same information from the lecturer..but what makes a student better than the others? by how they absorb the knowledge,digest it,analyze it and most important of all apply it.Life itself is a learning field.An educational institution itself.We can alleviate our lives,improve it just by trying to look at things the different way.

Trust me,views do make difference in driving lives. If we have a good mind set,we can achieve more and higher than we ever expected in our lives. Try wearing on a positive mind.You will see the difference.Motivation works best if it comes from our inner-self itself=)

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