Monday, February 28, 2011
I know what's going on in your life.Moving on is really trying,staying in the same spot is tormenting.At this point you're very scared of getting hurt once again. You know how hard it is to be mending yourself when you yourself is already bleading.
Dear Anna,
would you give yourself another chance? Big Baby did tell you about Thomas Edison.The non-giving up human. Success blooms out of failures no matter how small the success bud would'll still make through if enough sun and water given.
Dear Anna,
would you be brave like you used to be?I know your secrets Anna.Anna,what doesn't kills you makes you stronger..Anna,listen to your heart..Don't rush things.Let everything fall into place..
Dear Anna,
PRAY...and PRAY...Anna,when the time comes..bring your joy and love back home.We'll see whether it can be the love and joy of the family too..Anna,why are you so gloomy?Why do you post this kind of writing?
be happy again..please do..
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Wednesday, February 16, 2011
National Novice 2011(UiTM Shah Alam)
Well,I'm scheduled to pick up my juniors tomorrow,after Friday prayers.This time..Anis is not around.Boringlah pulak..kalau tak mesti ade kawan nak borak-borak and merepek2..
Called Fawwaz the other day..he sounded happy that i'm tagging along...or pura2 aje huh??hehe..
I missed the team..talked for nearly an hour last two nights with them..
Fazlie says...''susahla orang banyak komitmen ni"..heee...dear,you're right..
here goes..
Tonight : go shop for contact lenses for my sister
Friday :
AirAsia LCCT in the morning,Nilai in the afternoon..Shah Alam later in the afternoon...debates in the evening...Night Chats later in the night with DAYAH..OMG!!!! She was on top of her lungs when she said " you must not dissapoint me!!! you have to come!you have to come!"..awwhh well...ok=)
debates all day the evening,dinner with the girls..this time I'll have to do a detour..pick up DAYAH and LYNNE...and find a cool place to hang out...huhuh!!! Gosh..can you guys imagine how bad I am as a friend???..they're my bestfriends..and not once in this 7 years I came to see them..haha...xpelah kan...better late than never being able to.Mana tau kan..mati awal pula..
kenduri at Fazlie's house..just hope the debate won't drag me into adjudicating the quarters and semis..I promised him a purple baju kurung=)
p/s : Sara is just trying to keep her 'head' busy..there's so much more to a cheerful girl inside her heart than out...paham kot?
What's New in 2011

- Adopted a new hobby...Fishing!!!
It's kinda fun.Last Saturday I went angling some 'udang galah'. Not as easy as I thought.Luckily Pakngah was there to teach me the techniques.
I'm a was quite ok for me to be able to get like 13 udang galah's in 2 hours. The fishing pond is just behind my garandma's house,and located under a small mount. The mount was formerly the place where the locals built a Sam Poh Tong(betul ker eja mcm ni).There still exist traces of the stairs to the temple.If you come here,I'll surely bring you up the mount.
According to my cousin,there is a small cave up there where small streams run free...and bats roam..yukz!! But truly,this place brings tranquility to anyone who spends a few moment here..enjoying the nature while helping my uncle expand his business..
You can even smell the fresh air mixed with the fragrance of mountain flowers...listen to birds chirping..A quick therapy for me..=)..=)